
Our Partner iCare Financial

“We have been working with PayNetWorx for a few years now. It’s just an amazing leap forward from the old legacy processors. Super easy integration with their JSON API’s. It’s like working with an easy gateway, but we are direct with a processor and don’t have the fees or addition point of failure of a gateway. Their cloud platform gives us 100% uptime and the comfort knowing AWS is behind PayNetWorx
Here's what Blue Yonder clients saying about PayNetWorx Processing
Katie Kessing
Our Partner Blue Yonder

“BlueYonder looked at cash discount solutions and most were patched together, until we found PayNetWorx. With PayNetWorx platform, surcharging and cash discount are built into the processing platform. It made our life easy; we integrated in under 2 days and were up and running. Their system is super-fast as it is 100% cloud based. We can do a flat fee, a percentage, or both directly within their authorization API. PayNetWorx can split fund on their back-end settlement as well. It is night and day from the big processors”.